A Lousy Trade Show Is No One’s Fault But Yours

dan-7Talking to people at IPC Apex Expo a couple of weeks ago, I came to realize that there are two kinds of people: those who just come here, set up their booth and expect things to happen and then blame the show organizers when nothing does, and those who make things happen and who now think it was a great show.

A trade show is another opportunity to make something happen; and just like advertising, social media or other forms of marketing, you will get out of it what you put into it:

If you want more traffic at your booth, then send a series of emails in advance telling people you not only that you are going to be there, but why they should come by to talk with you.

If you want to meet the right people, don’t walk around hoping to bump into them and then get mad when that doesn’t happen. Schedule the meetings with the people you want to meet ahead of time.

Do you want to make a splash at the show? Do you want to get noticed, leave a lasting impression? Then arrange to be interviewed. It’s not difficult; there are camera crews running around all over the place for content, looking for interesting people to talk about their companies and products, all you have to do is be willing to do it… and make sure you know what you want to say because when all is said and done you are creating a seven minute re-usable commercial about your company, so make it good.

This was a great show for those how put themselves into it and for those who expected something to happen by just being there…well not so much.

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