Loving Your Customers

Great customer care goes far beyond great service. It means truly caring for your customers to the point of loving them like your own family and friends. Consider what that means. Loving your customers is not just a lofty ideal but a fundamental principle for achieving sustained business success. When companies genuinely care for their […]

It’s The Little Things That Matter

When it comes to business-to-business customer service it is often the little things that matter. Many companies focus on the big things and ignore the little “softer things” that really in the end create a great customer experience. There is an old adage (actually I just made it up!) that goes;  “The higher the technology […]

Making 2024 A Great Year!

  Make sure you are ready for the new year by starting to prepare early. The most successful companies spend a great deal of time studying the present year, focusing on what worked and what did not work. They also spend time looking at market trends to make sure they are able to not only […]

Answering The Phone: You Are The Face Of The Company

We’ve all experienced it, we have all suffered through it, we have all cursed it:  The way companies answer the phone…if they do at all. This is why Best Buy will go out of business. I called the other day to make an appointment with the Geek Squad. I did this because I learned the […]

Embrace Your Failures!

It’s a shame to waste a good failure. You can tell how great a company is by how many failures they experience. This is based on the idea that if you’re not failing, you’re not doing enough. In fact you’re probably standing still, you’re stagnating, which is the closest thing to death a company does […]

Words Of Wisdom From Bezos

There is no mistaking the fact that Jeff Bezos is a pretty smart guy. He saw things years before the rest of us did. Many of us sat by and laughed as his company lost money year after year while he invested in the future. In fact, that is one of his many premises: “The […]

Never Get Mad At A Customer

There is nothing dumber you can do than getting mad at a customer. What is the point? These days when it is harder than ever to get a new customer and even harder to keep that customer amidst the barrage of competition coming for all sides there is nothing more counter-productive than getting mad at […]