A Tale Of Two Arthurs

Some of you may have heard the story about the New England super market chain called Market Basket. It was started at the beginning of the last century as a 600 square foot grocery store in Lowell Massachusetts by a Greek Immigrant by the name of Demoulas. Later as he started to age and the […]

How do Your Customers Feel about You?

Do you dare to find out how your customers feel about you? As always, it’s all about the customers and more importantly, it really gets down to what your customers think about you. I want you to really think about this for a minute or two. What do your customers think about your company? What […]

Book Recommendation – Talking to Crazy: How to deal with the irrational and impossible people in your life

Book Recommendation From Dan Beaulieu Talking to Crazy: How to deal with the irrational and impossible people in your life By Mark Goulston Copyright 2016 Amacom Price: $24.95 Pages: 259 with index A Surprisingly informative and pertinent book Yes, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Mark Goulston/s new book Talking to Crazy: […]

Let’s Rock this world!

What do the I-Pod, The Tesla, Amazon and SpaceX all have in common? That’s easy they rocked their world. All of them were game changers. All of them changed the way we do things from the way we buy and listen to music to the way we build rockets and privately launch satellites into space. […]

Make Yourself Invaluable to Customers

Selling value is always valuable Looking at the title of this column, you might be saying to yourself, “Thank you, Captain Obvious,” but stop and think for a minute. What can you offer that goes way beyond the product itself? What can you offer that will get your customer thinking beyond price issues? What do […]

Leaders Instill Greatness In Their People

My daughter works at a small but prestigious college in Maine by the name of Bowdoin College. It has been around for a while, actually since 1794 and it has amongst its alumni two Presidents of the United States: writers Nathaniel Hawthorne and Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: Senators George Mitchell and William Cohen, Civil War hero […]

Book review – The Art of Social Media: Finding and Engaging Customers on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Other Social Networks

The Art of Social Media: Finding and Engaging Customers on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and Other Social Networks By: Shannon Belew Copyright 2014Amacom Price $19.95 Pages: 267 with Notes and Index The official social media playbook This is the one book you’re going to need to make your way through the new world order of social […]